In Romania, and more specifically in Bucharest, DEFI Group has installed two new illuminated advertisings for the Game World Casino brand. It proudly joins other brands, on Alba Lulia and Unirii square.

Game World Casino has chosen two key locations in Bucharest to showcase its brand. Firstly, the Alba Lulia square: located in the heart of the city, this circular square serves 3 main roads. Also lined with blocks of flats, this location has a high visibility.

We, then, move on to Unirii Square, in the centre of Bucharest. This is one of the largest squares in the city and it is very busy thanks to the boulevard that crosses it, the public transport stations that surround it and the shopping centre that borders it.
The brand has chosen to invest in outdoor advertising to increase its notoriety. Already existing for many years, Game World Casino communicates for the first time in spectacular advertising and for the occasion chooses two of our flagship products in Romania.
The Rooftop
A Game World Casino “Rooftop” skysign can be found on the Unirii square, called as so due to its location on the roof terrace of the building. Visible for a minimum of one year, the brand benefits from unparalleled visibility, as well as sufficient space to stimulate creativity. Its integration in the urban landscape allows a unique and memorable integration of the brand.
The Frontlit Skysign
In Alba Lulia square, you can find a Game World Casino “Frontlit Skysign” for at least the next 2 years. This illuminated advertisement is illuminated from the front and meets a spectacular need to be visible to a large audience. Frontlit Skysigns offer flexibility and speed in the implementation of campaigns.
These two solutions are perfectly visible by day and night. And to prove it, we offer you this superb drone shot of the Skysign in Alba Lulia Square.
If you want to know more about our solutions in Romania
Learn more about our illuminated advertisings
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